Dr. Andrew Shean

Dr. Andrew Shean

Dr. Andrew Shean is available to help your school or district.

Please email us at consulting@noexcusesu.com for more information.

Dr. Andrew Shean

Dr. Andrew Shean is a former Academic Dean at Johns Hopkins CTY program, Poway Unified School District teacher of the year and leader for online learning programs throughout the district, and faculty at Alliant International University Shirley Hostetler Graduate School of Education with a focus on online learning and technology information systems. Currently, Dr. Shean is the Executive Dean for the College of Education at Ashford University, where he has led interactive learning module developments, conducted a gamification pilot, and developed and facilitated many online courses for all levels of education. He was a keynote speaker at Cite 2012 and has given presentations at WCET, VSS, SLOAN-C, and ISTE.

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