Dr. Emily Devor
Emily Devor
Dr. Emily Devor is available to help your school or district.
Please email us at consulting@noexcusesu.com for more information.
Emily Devor, Ed.D. is a graduate of Emporia State University in Emporia, Kansas with a degree in Elementary Education. She also has a Masters in Teaching and Learning, an Administration Credential, and a Doctorate in Administration and Leadership. Her research has been focused specifically on college readiness for students at all levels. Emily has been a NEU Principal for over eight years and is passionate about the NEU work at her school and others. Emily is the 2017 Elementary Principal of the Year for her district and the 2016 Barbara Livermore “After High School Comes College” Award recipient. Emily is the co-author of College Conversations: 140 Ways to Engage Pre K – 12th Grade Students for College Readiness Success. She is driven by positive school cultures and how quality leadership is vital to the success of a school.