Michelle Harbst
Please email Michelle at michelle@noexcusesu.com for more information.

Michelle has over a decade of experience in meeting and event management which includes working with non-profit organizations in England, managing ground logistics for Fortune 500 companies throughout the US, and managing events for a top speaker’s bureau. She joined the No Excuses University team in April 2015 as the Director of Operations and Events. In her role with NEU, Michelle can assist you with a variety of needs.
NEU Sponsored Events
- Registration Help
- Difficulty booking online
- Needing to change attendee information
- General questions
- Billing Inquiries
- Needing an invoice
- Confirming payment information
- General questions
NEU Network
- Application Inquiries
- NEU Connect Payment
- NEU Agreement
- Changes in Contact Information
National Convention
- Presenter Submissions, Review, and Acceptance
- Vendor & Sponsorship Opportunities
Online Store Products & NEU Student Planners
- Difficulty Placing an Order
- General Questions